More Power To You
Details of our pre-election regional meetings are available HERE .
The campaign to reclaim the role of local authorities and local democracy
Local Government touches every aspect of our daily lives and affects every citizen – young and old alike. It affects our schools, our homes, our public parks. It’s in our work, our play and our recreation.
Local Power Pledge
Take the Local Power Pledge to call for the full implementation of our simple five point action plan on local democracy, housing, waste, water and energy. Click here to take the pledge.
A Road Map for the Future
The nature of our society is rapidly changing. Technology and social changes mean the way in which we work and live are constantly evolving. Strengthening Ireland’s local government offers us the unique opportunity to establish a new and better system of local government – one which truly reflects and represents the changing and diverse nature of our society.
Download the campaign case statement HERE and our campaign leaflet HERE.
Report: Democracy Works If You Let It
Research paper by Dr Mary Murphy of Maynooth University
Introduce directly elected mayors and a new town council system. Provide adequate investment and independent funding powers for local authorities.
Establish a regulator for household waste collection and enable local authorities to re-enter bin collection services.
Hold a referendum to enshrine public ownership of water in our constitution and establish a local authority water customer service to protect the right to