Civil Service Salary Scales

Revised pay scales with effect from 01 June 2024 for civil servants appointed on or after 6th April 1995 who are paying the class a rate of PRSI contribution and making an employee contribution in respect of personal superannuation benefits (PPC) for general service grades

Secretary General Level I (PPC)

Secretary General Level II (PPC)

Secretary General Level III (PPC)

Deputy Secretary (PPC)

Assistant Secretary (PPC)
161,593 – 168,937 – 176,896 – 184,852

Principal Higher Scale (PPC)
109,662 – 114,177 – 118,714 – 123,241 – 127,101 – 131,169¹ – 135,236²

Principal (PPC)
101,894 – 106,218 – 110,508 – 114,830 – 118,476 – 122,258¹ – 126,035²

Assistant Principal Higher (PPC)
85,951 – 89,220 – 92,498 – 95,774 – 99,049 – 100,963 – 104,211¹ – 107,469²

Assistant Principal (PPC)
78,303 – 81,187 – 84,111 – 87,044 – 89,973 – 91,662 – 94,617¹ – 97,583²

Administrative Officer (PPC)
38,369 – 41,039 – 41,803 – 45,147 – 49,427 – 52,712 – 56,120 – 59,573 – 63,025 – 66,464 – 68,849¹ – 71,227²

Administrative Officer Higher Scale (PPC)
52,712 – 56,120 – 59,573 – 63,025 – 66,464 – 68,849 – 71,194 – 73,544

Higher Executive Officer (PPC)
56,556 – 58,209 – 59,860 – 61,509 – 63,164 – 64,812 – 66,464 – 68,849¹ – 71,227²

Higher Executive Officer Higher Scale (PPC)
59,860 – 61,509 – 63,164 – 64,812 – 66,464 – 68,849 – 70,410 – 71,976 – 73,544

Executive Officer (PPC)
36,044 – 37,965 – 39,050 – 41,167 – 43,064 – 44,900 – 46,729 – 48,519 – 50,328 – 52,097 – 53,974 – 55,232 – 57,026¹ – 58,834²

Executive Officer Higher Scale (PPC)
39,050 – 41,167 – 43,064 – 44,900 – 46,729 – 48,519 – 50,328 – 52,097 – 53,974 – 55,232 – 57,026 – 58,370 – 59,717 – 61,067

Clerical Officer (PPC)
561.46 – 594.49 – 602.87 – 619.24 – 643.40 – 667.51 – 691.61 – 709.17 – 729.07 – 752.18 – 768.44 – 791.31 – 814.04 – 849.52 – 877.39¹ – 890.18²

Clerical Officer Higher Scale (PPC)
619.24 – 643.40 – 667.51 – 691.61 – 709.17 – 729.07 – 752.18 – 768.44 – 791.31 – 814.04 – 849.52 – 877.39 – 890.18 – 907.45

Head Services Officer (PPC)
727.85 – 745.97 – 760.56 – 781.77 – 802.99 – 824.24 – 849.54¹ – 877.41²

Services Officer (PPC)
531.21 – 559.51 – 570.21 – 592.78 – 612.95 – 625.03 – 639.14 – 656.12 – 685.16 – 699.53¹ – 722.37²

Services Attendant (PPC)
524.79 – 543.99 – 570.21 – 578.52 – 595.72 – 615.91 – 633.50 – 653.29 – 677.64 – 697.54¹ – 714.16²

Cleaner (PPC)
509.80 – 539.61 – 547.96 – 567.43 – 590.84 – 605.32¹ – 619.84²

¹ After 3 years satisfactory service at the maximum.
² After 6 years satisfactory service at the maximum.

Revised pay scales with effect from 01 June 2024 for civil servants appointed on or after 6th April 1995 who are paying the class a rate of PRSI contribution and making an employee contribution in respect of personal superannuation benefits (PPC) for certain grades common to two or more departments.

Engineer Grade I and Professional Accountant Grade I (PPC)
82,448 – 85,037 – 87,633 – 90,221 – 92,808 – 95,886 – 99,389¹ – 102,896²

Engineer Grade II and Professional Accountant Grade II (PPC)
71,793 – 73,434 – 75,070 – 76,714 – 78,353 – 78,789 – 80,406 – 82,083 – 84,815¹ – 87,553²

Engineer Grade III and Professional Accountant Grade III (PPC)
37,583 – 40,080 – 40,748 – 44,080 – 47,424 – 50,767 – 54,197 – 56,361 – 58,538 – 60,731 – 62,912 – 65,099 – 67,286 – 69,465 – 71,664 – 74,093¹ – 76,519²

State Solicitor and Prosecution Solicitor (PPC)
38,708 – 41,403 – 42,176 – 45,552 – 49,870 – 53,213 – 56,650 – 60,146 – 63,635 – 67,105 – 78,303 – 81,188 – 84,111 – 87,044 – 89,973 – 91,662 – 94,617¹ – 97,583²

Law Clerk (PPC)
614.79 – 638.71 – 674.35 – 700.92 – 732.57 – 753.82 – 768.21 – 789.26 – 810.32 – 831.38 – 852.52 – 874.28¹ – 895.97²

Higher Legal Executive (PPC)
56,556 – 58,209 – 59,860 – 61,509 – 63,164 – 64,812 – 66,464 – 68,849¹ – 71,227²

Legal Executive (PPC)
39,587 – 41,785 – 43,533 – 45,213 – 46,737 – 48,099 – 49,477 – 50,852 – 52,246 – 53,627 – 54,944¹ – 56,664²

Senior Engineering Draughtsperson (PPC)
47,707 – 48,565 – 49,637 – 50,724 – 51,809 – 52,927 – 53,987 – 55,722¹ – 57,482²

Engineering Draughtsperson (PPC)
718.81 – 738.96 – 762.76 – 779.12 – 802.62 – 826.16 – 849.73 – 872.32 – 894.91 – 917.47 – 940.15 – 968.90¹ – 997.90²

Chief Superintendent Mapping (PPC)
59,062 – 61,828 – 64,593 – 67,355 – 70,121 – 72,881 – 75,645 – 78,415 – 79,627 – 82,083 – 84,815¹ – 87,553²

Superintendent Mapping (PPC)
52,481 – 54,265 – 55,763 – 57,252 – 58,767 – 60,287 – 61,766 – 63,653¹ – 65,529²

Examiner in Charge (PPC)
45,945 – 46,869 – 47,780 – 48,713 – 49,642 – 50,577 – 52,481 – 54,034¹ – 55,619²

Examiner of Maps (PPC)
798.11 – 818.51 – 838.14 – 856.43 – 876.20 – 890.56 – 917.92¹ – 945.35²

Mapping Draughtsperson (PPC)
615.21 – 623.02 – 641.97 – 660.99 – 680.13 – 699.25 – 711.80 – 726.96 – 744.59 – 755.41 – 772.87 – 790.28 – 807.83 – 832.08¹ – 856.39²

Senior Architect (PPC)
76,678 – 79,408 – 83,395 – 87,390 – 91,396 – 95,886 – 99,389¹ – 102,897²

Architect (PPC)
42,407 – 45,250 – 46,664 – 49,821 – 53,006 – 56,316 – 58,533 – 60,752 – 62,980 – 65,194 – 67,416 – 69,640 – 71,860 – 74,086 – 76,331 – 78,778¹ – 79,993²

Architectural Assistant Grade II (PPC)
660.74 – 703.71 – 718.81 – 738.96 – 762.76 – 779.12 – 802.62 – 826.16 – 847.68 – 871.28 – 894.91 – 917.47 – 940.15 – 968.90¹ – 997.90²

Senior Laboratory Analyst (PPC)
58,669 – 61,319 – 63,666 – 66,069 – 68,543 – 70,980 – 73,485 – 75,964 – 78,460

Laboratory Analyst (PPC)
39,273 – 40,783 – 43,183 – 44,320 – 45,404 – 47,964 – 49,619 – 51,285 – 53,026 – 54,795 – 56,577 – 58,390 – 60,219 – 62,069 – 63,860 – 65,100¹

Nightwatchman (PPC)
530.84 – 557.72 – 571.00 – 591.23 – 610.98 – 622.55 – 640.01 – 659.06¹ – 680.91²

¹ After 3 years satisfactory service at the maximum.
² After 6 years satisfactory service at the maximum.

Revised pay scales with effect from 01 June 2024 for civil servants appointed before 6th April 1995 in general service grades.

Secretary General I

Secretary General II

Secretary General III

Deputy Secretary

Assistant Secretary
153,516 – 160,492 – 168,051 – 175,612

Principal Higher
104,173 – 108,469 – 112,780 – 117,076 – 120,749 – 124,615¹ – 128,478²

96,800 – 100,901 – 104,978 – 109,091 – 112,553 – 116,148¹ – 119,733²

Assistant Principal Higher
81,648 – 84,757 – 87,879 – 90,983 – 94,096 – 95,910 – 99,009¹ – 102,098²

Assistant Principal
75,637 – 78,390 – 79,908 – 82,692 – 85,475 – 87,084 – 89,887¹ – 92,702²

Administrative Officer
36,858 – 39,580 – 39,954 – 43,133 – 47,200 – 50,298 – 53,451 – 56,701 – 59,977 – 63,249 – 65,505¹ – 67,768²

Administrative Officer Higher Scale
50,298 – 53,451 – 56,701 – 59,977 – 63,249 – 65,505 – 67,741 – 69,974

Higher Executive Officer
53,865 – 55,420 – 56,971 – 58,537 – 60,103 – 61,682 – 63,249 – 65,505¹ – 67,768²

Higher Executive Officer Higher Scale
56,971 – 58,537 – 60,103 – 61,682 – 63,249 – 65,505 – 66,988 – 68,480 – 69,974

Executive Officer
34,483 – 36,652 – 37,510 – 39,360 – 41,159 – 42,906 – 44,641 – 46,341 – 48,059 – 49,729 – 51,448 – 52,620 – 54,305¹ – 56,006²

Executive Officer Higher Scale
37,510 – 39,360 – 41,159 – 42,906 – 44,641 – 46,341 – 48,059 – 49,729 – 51,448 – 52,620 – 54,305 – 55,572 – 56,836 – 58,114

Clerical Officer
537.25 – 568.66 – 576.62 – 599.85 – 615.14 – 638.06 – 660.99 – 683.91 – 700.36 – 722.62 – 741.28 – 756.46 – 778.07 – 811.76 – 838.25¹ – 850.47²

Clerical Officer Higher Scale
599.85 – 615.14 – 638.06 – 660.99 – 683.91 – 700.36 – 722.62 – 741.28 – 756.46 – 778.07 – 811.76 – 838.25 – 850.47 – 866.80

Head Services Officer
702.25 – 716.68 – 733.67 – 754.12 – 767.57 – 787.73 – 811.76¹ – 838.25²

Services Officer
520.16 – 535.46 – 549.23 – 567.60 – 586.25 – 605.36 – 619.01 – 627.25 – 654.97 – 674.48¹ – 696.92²

Services Attendant
520.16 – 520.99 – 549.23 – 556.99 – 570.18 – 589.02 – 613.59 – 624.54 – 647.67 – 666.62¹ – 688.82²

491.44 – 517.02 – 528.04 – 546.61 – 565.76 – 579.00¹ – 600.38²

¹ After 3 years satisfactory service at the maximum.
² After 6 years satisfactory service at the maximum.

Revised pay scales with effect from 01 June 2024 for civil servants appointed before 6th April 1995 for certain grades common to two or more departments.

Engineer Grade I and Professional Accountant Grade I
78,378 – 80,783 – 83,249 – 85,714 – 88,167 – 91,091 – 94,422¹ – 97,754²

Engineer Grade II and Professional Accountant Grade II
68,305 – 69,870 – 71,420 – 72,985 – 74,543 – 76,101 – 77,652 – 79,228 – 80,572¹ – 83,170²

Engineer Grade III and Professional Accountant Grade III
39,303 – 42,120 – 45,297 – 48,468 – 51,650 – 53,680 – 55,733 – 57,799 – 59,870 – 61,950 – 64,024 – 66,099 – 68,178 – 70,497¹ – 72,801²

State Solicitor and Prosecution Solicitor
37,178 – 39,578 – 40,307 – 43,521 – 47,623 – 50,758 – 53,948 – 57,248 – 60,562 – 63,857 – 75,637 – 78,390 – 79,908 – 82,692 – 85,475 – 87,084 – 89,887¹ – 92,702²

Law Clerk
595.49 – 618.54 – 644.54 – 669.80 – 703.81 – 724.21 – 741.07 – 754.50 – 774.53 – 794.57 – 814.66 – 835.29¹ – 855.92²

Higher Legal Executive
53,865 – 55,420 – 56,971 – 58,537 – 60,103 – 61,682 – 63,249 – 65,505¹ – 67,768²

Legal Executive
41,602 – 43,203 – 44,644 – 45,941 – 47,243 – 48,558 – 49,873 – 51,137 – 52,352¹ – 53,971²

Senior Engineering Draughtsperson
45,567 – 46,380 – 47,398 – 48,443 – 49,460 – 50,494 – 51,463 – 53,081¹ – 54,732²

Engineering Draughtsperson
693.33 – 710.00 – 729.14 – 751.59 – 767.18 – 789.54 – 811.99 – 833.45 – 854.90 – 876.37 – 897.87 – 925.18¹ – 952.55²

Chief Superintendent Mapping
56,224 – 58,842 – 61,470 – 64,096 – 66,718 – 69,337 – 71,971 – 74,603 – 76,917 – 79,228 – 80,572¹ – 83,170²

Superintendent Mapping
50,091 – 51,716 – 53,121 – 54,517 – 55,944 – 57,376 – 58,788 – 60,575¹ – 62,358²

Examiner in Charge
43,889 – 44,770 – 45,641 – 46,524 – 47,410 – 48,297 – 50,091 – 51,511¹ – 52,976²

Examiner of Maps
762.90 – 782.30 – 800.92 – 818.37 – 837.09 – 850.72 – 876.79¹ – 902.86²

Mapping Draughtsperson
588.39 – 603.36 – 613.80 – 631.84 – 650.00 – 668.29 – 686.45 – 704.68 – 715.42 – 735.51 – 745.56 – 755.54 – 772.13 – 795.22¹ – 818.26²

Senior Architect
72,936 – 76,707 – 79,243 – 83,025 – 86,826 – 91,091 – 94,422¹ – 97,754²

44,584 – 47,578 – 50,572 – 53,630 – 55,720 – 57,817 – 59,926 – 62,040 – 64,151 – 66,263 – 68,378 – 70,484 – 72,619 – 74,939¹ – 77,274²

Architectural Assistant Grade II
693.33 – 710.00 – 729.14 – 751.59 – 767.18 – 789.54 – 809.99 – 832.44 – 854.90 – 876.37 – 897.87 – 925.18¹ – 952.55²

Senior Laboratory Analyst
55,853 – 58,360 – 60,585 – 62,873 – 65,222 – 67,530 – 69,913 – 72,272 – 74,639

Laboratory Analyst
38,064 – 39,337 – 41,274 – 42,351 – 43,377 – 45,812 – 47,385 – 48,968 – 50,585 – 52,208 – 53,879 – 55,586 – 57,310 – 59,070 – 60,774 – 61,950¹

550.66 – 566.17 – 584.35 – 603.10 – 619.84 – 630.04¹ – 650.77²

¹ After 3 years satisfactory service at the maximum.
² After 6 years satisfactory service at the maximum.