Local Elections: Trade Union coalition calls for greater investment in local government

Trade unions outside the Dáil launching the manifesto for local elections

More Power to You Manifesto launched in advance of local elections

More Power to You, a coalition of Fórsa, SIPTU, and Connect trade unions, launched its local elections manifesto calling for stronger local government and local services, and more effective local democracy, on Wednesday 22 May. Read the manifesto here.

Fórsa national secretary Richy Carrothers said: “As trade unionists, we want better local services and stronger local democracy in Ireland. Local government is our greatest and most underused resource. It touches on every aspect of our daily lives and impacts upon everyone who lives in and works in Ireland.”

“We’re calling on candidates to commit to measures that would increase local democracy and bring vital services back under the control of local authorities”.

Brendan O’Brien of SIPTU said: “Many of the challenges that our society faces can be resolved by the increased provision of local services. We have seen that privatisation is not the solution that our communities need. It is time for strong investment in local government to bring about the change that is so desperately needed.”

Connect Trade Union Public Sector Official, Brian Mc Avinue called on local government to make the necessary investment in craft workers and apprentices that would ensure essential and emergency services are administered to the public to the highest possible standards.

He said: “Such investment would also go a long way to ensuring the retention of craft workers and their apprentices in local government. Connect are also calling on local government to apply the national minimum wage to apprentices. The current entry wage for apprentices is simply too low.”

Fórsa head of campaigns Grace Williams said, “Strengthening local government is vital in ensuring that democratic structures are accessible and effective, allowing everyone to play a more direct role in shaping communities and tackling the issues that are important to them.”

The More Power to You manifesto calls for an enhanced role for local government in service provision, in decision making and in rebuilding public confidence in democracy.

Particular measures of note include:

  • Better funding for local authorities
  • Directly elected mayors
  • Return of waste collection services to local authorities
  • Referendum on public ownership of water
  • Local authority led cost rental public housing
  • Increased local authority direct labour for homer energy upgrades and maintenance
  • Local authority led community ownership of renewable energy projects

The full document is available to read here

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