Health and Welfare Ballots: Vote Now!

Members of Fósa calling for Health and Welfare Ballots: Vote Now!
We are currently running two ballots for industrial action in the Health and Welfare division.
  • Career Pathway Dispute (for 8 professions within HSCPs)
  • Protect Clerical Jobs and Stop Outsourcing Dispute (Clerical Admin/ Managerial roles)

You should already have received an email with your unique voting code. If you haven’t and believe you are eligible, email

See here for the two website hubs that will outline exactly what is at stake for you and your colleagues, how to vote, FAQs, resources to get others to vote, and the dates/ times of information sessions.

At Fórsa, we know that every voice matters, and that’s why we are committed to empowering our union members through the democratic process. It’s why we go out to fight for your rights every single day.

But we need our members to do their part. It is your profession, your career, and your promotions on the line. We need you to vote, and to tell your colleague to vote too!

What are the ballots about?

The Career Pathway Dispute boils down to whether or not your career is going to be able to progress in the way you deserve.  There was meant to be a Career Pathway Review process for thousands of people five years ago but there has been very little progress in implementing it. Despite the HSE commitments, less then 200 people have had a positive outcome from the process.

Fórsa also want to see the Staff to Senior Process open for all staff grades working in the HSE. And they want meaningful discussions on clinical specialisms, advanced practise and management roles so that everyone has an opportunity to progress in their clinical role.

The Protect Clerical Jobs and Stop Outsourcing Dispute boils down to the fact that the HSE has increasingly being relying on Agency Staff rather than investing in the staff that are already there, or promoting people to vacant roles.

The other main issue is that an incredible amount of money has been spent on private consultants. Up to 180 million in 2022. Yet now when they want to address budget issues, they want clerical administration and management grades to bear an unfair amount of the burden with a recruitment pause.

Join a movement of people just like you. Join Fórsa – a trade union that wins!