Protect Clerical Jobs and Stop Outsourcing Dispute.
How to Vote in the Ballot for Industrial Action
Fórsa is running two ballots within the Health and Welfare Division– one for all clerical, admin and managerial grades and one for HSCPs comprehended by the Career Pathway Review.
For the Protect Clerical Jobs and Stop Outsourcing Dispute, you are able to vote if you are a paid up Fórsa members employed by the HSE or a Section 38 organisation, working at any grade.
If you receive an email containing your Unique Voter Code (UVC) and a link to this voting page, we believe you are entitled to vote in one of these ballots.
The virtual ballot will open on .
Please read the FAQs on the dispute to protect clerical jobs and stop outsourcing, and email us with any questions you at
Voting Steps
Members who we believe are eligible to vote will receive an email containing their unique voter code.
Unlocking your ballot paper, and casting your vote:
1. Have a look in your email inbox for an email from That email should contain your unique voter code (UVC).
2. Access our dedicated webpage
3. Once you access the webpage you will see instructions on how to vote and information about the deal. You should read the instructions carefully as you can only vote once, and you cannot change your vote later.
4. After you have read the instructions, you should enter your Unique Voter Code into the box towards the bottom of the screen. You can type your UVC into the box, taking care to use the correct characters, or you can simply copy the code from this email and paste it into the box on screen.
5. Once your UVC is in the box, you should click the button to “Continue”. You will be taken to your ballot paper where you can submit your vote.
6. On your ballot paper you should select the box that corresponds with how you wish to vote. If you want to receive an email that confirms your vote has been submitted, you should enter your email address in the “Email receipt” box at the bottom of the page. You won’t receive your receipt immediately, but it will normally be received within two working days.
Once you’ve selected your vote and entered your email address (if required), you should click the green button, “Next step” which will be visible towards the bottom of the screen.
7. You will be taken to a summary page that sets out how you have elected to vote. If you have chosen to receive an email receipt, you should see your email address in the box on-screen. Once you have reviewed your selections and you’re ready to cast your vote, you should click the button that reads: “Cast My Vote Now”.
If you’ve not received your UVC, but you’re a Fórsa member and believe you’re entitled to vote, please email with details of who you are and where you work and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
How to participate in the virtual ballot and make sure your voice is heard
Please make sure we have your updated your contact details. You should have already received an email asking members for their up-to-date contact information. If you have not yet received this email, then email with your employer, personal email, and contact number.
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